Apply Online
Electronic submission ensures the application reaches the district office quickly. Students will obtain eligibility benefits faster. The website is secure and confidential. You can read the online application in English, Spanish, Chinese or Portuguese.
Click the button to apply for free or reduced price lunches at the School Café website.

Sharing Information with Other Programs
Your eligibility status for free and/or reduced price school meals may be shared with other programs for which your children may qualify. For each of these programs, we must have your permission to share your eligibility. If you choose to share this information with these programs, it will not be shared with any other entity or program. If your circumstances change throughout the year, you are encouraged to update your permissions at any time during the school year. If you opt not to share this information, it will not change whether your children are eligible to receive free/reduced price meals.
If you are eligible for free or reduced price meals and would like the information shared, the share questions are located in PowerSchool by going to the permission page in the parent portal. Parents can access the permission page by clicking on the District/Parent Group Permissions icon in the sidebar.