Superintendent's Page

Superintendent Peter Light    

Strategic Plan

We are in the middle of our five-year strategic plan focused on engaged learning, equitable opportunities and outcomes, inclusive practices, and social-emotional learning.  Examples of our work include:
  • integration of social-emotional skills into academic learning, 

  • ensuring that our students have access to high-quality instructional materials and have introduced strong, evidence based curricula in literacy and mathematics to our elementary schools,

  • building out a robust tiered system of academic and social-emotional supports in our schools, 

  • expanding advisory programs in the junior high and high school, 

  • looking at the course leveling structure in our high school to foster a positive academic learning environment and ensure that all students can equitably access learning opportunities.

Welcome to the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District!   I am honored and excited to be leading the A-B schools.  My primary goal is that our students feel a deep sense of belonging in our schools and classrooms.  When students feel connected to one another and their educators, and have high-quality academic and extra-curricular experiences, they thrive academically and emotionally.  Our Core Values of Wellness, Equity and Engagement speak to creating a sense of belonging for all of our students, and we continually work to improve how our students experience school.

We look forward to partnering with you as we continue to build on the remarkable success of our schools, and tackle our challenges head-on for the benefit of our students.
Peter Light (he/him/his)
Superintendent of Schools

Julie LaLumiere
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
[email protected]
978-264-4700 x11110


We see our families and community as important partners in our students’ education.  The most important role you have in our schools is to support your child’s education at home.  We are also fortunate to be supported by many parents who are involved in our schools through a variety of organizations and invite you to get involved.  Here are some of the organizations that may be of additional interest to you:
  • Parent-Teacher Organizations 

  • School Councils

  • Parent Involvement Project

  • A-B Student Activities Fund 

  • Special Education Parent Advisory Council

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Family Advisory Committee

  • Athletic and Performing Arts Booster Organizations

  • And many, many more!

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